Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Back In Rhode Island

Hi everyone!! I'm back from my first cross-country trip and have now seen two oceans and been to three states, all in 5 weeks of life! I did a GREAT job with all the traveling and meeting new people. Nevermind the fact that while on the plane I may or may not have pooped on my daddy's pants. And shirt. And the tray table. And a half eaten bag of pretzels.

Anyway, back to my a big girl, I had my own seat on the plane. I requested an aisle seat, but got a window.

When we finally got to California, my social calendar was quite full. I got to meet at least 6 other babies during my week there. Here is me playing with a couple of my new friends, Aggie and Derek. I was trying to sleep, but they just wanted to play.

It was awfully fun being invited to my first wedding (thanks Becky and Scott - you all looked great!). At the wedding, I got to be held a lot by my daddy and GP (again, as my California grandpa is known), and I was told repeatedly that I looked quite good (so it had to be true)...

One of my favorite parts of the week was getting to be in the wedding picture with all the pretty girls! Besides my really pretty dress and bonnet, I even had little bouquet to wear around my ankle. Doesn't Faunt Becky look pretty at her wedding? We had a great time!!

Another one of my favorite parts of the week was getting to meet my great-grandpa (GGP, perhaps?)!!! There was even a picture with all four gen-er-a-tions (that was my word of the week)!

GGP's a natural, and a really good holder! I loved being in his arms. I could tell he really liked me!!!

Plus his place was a lot of fun...I got to play Push, which is one of the only games I can play at this age. Thank goodness it was immortalized in the below video.

When there was downtime, I tried to work on my tan by the pool (I was in LA, after all)...

But the fam would only let me stay in the shade. Boring! (But actually a ton of fun because I was in my swing, and besides, what 5 week old wants to do laps in a pool?)

Anyway, sorry for being so long in posting, but I had a pretty good reason. Stay tuned for more pics of my fun week in California, including of a party that was all for ME!

1 comment:

meg said...

I have watched this video a bajillion times. Love you all!