Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Sorry for the lack of posts, but we are still figuring out computer problems here at our house. I had a great first Thanksgiving... the food looked good, and I even had some sweet potatoes like everyone else!

Thanks to Uncle Mark and Aunt Susan for a wonderful Thanksgiving-- they made great food and we had a wonderful time. Hope everyone else had a good day, too!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Blast From the Past...

Hello!! Daddy's computer is currently being repaired, so Mommy isn't able to post any new pictures right now. So, she decided to post one of the old pictures she has on her computer... this is me on my second day of life!! Thought you might enjoy this trip down memory lane!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Verdict Is In...

It's official. Although I may look exactly like my Daddy, I DO have some of Mommy's characteristics. The one we discovered today? I don't like carrots, either!! Perhaps you can tell from my picture, as I spit most of them back out when trying them for the first time this morning. I'll try them again, but Mommy says I don't have to like them, as she thinks they are yucky, too!!

Story Time

I love reading stories!!! I sometimes like to chew on the books, but most of the time I am interested in the pictures and want to help turn the pages.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Whole New World...

My mom was very surprised to walk in on me and see me "sitting" in my Boppy chair. Mommy seemed proud of me, but then also said something about her world beginning to change even more with a baby who is a bit more mobile...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside!!

Brrr!! It's cold here in New England... certainly the coldest temps I've felt so far in my 5+ months! Here is a picture of me in my car seat, all bundled up to do errands with Mommy.

For some reason, Mommy keeps making a big deal out of my outfit today. I guess I'll show you what I looked like when we went out... I am wearing my new flannel lined khaki pants (so warm!), my Robeez from my friends "across the pond" (I feel so cool to be wearing what British kids wear...!!), and the sweater I am wearing used to belong to my mom. My grammie found it in some of Mommy's old things-- it was made for her by a dear family friend! Don't I look happy??

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mommy's Helper?

Now that I can sit in my high chair, I have been helping Mommy in the kitchen!! Well, I don't know about helping just yet, but I know that I can sit and entertain myself while she works... she seems to appreciate that!! And I like it, too. I think someday I'll be a good helper in the kitchen!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

5 Months Old

I am 5 months old today! It's hard to believe... here's a list of some of the things I can do:

* laugh
* roll over (from my back to my stomach)
* smile
* eat lots of different kinds of food (applesauce is still my favorite)
* almost sit up by myself (I can sit great if I am propped up)
* reach and grab for things
* put everything in my mouth
* and I have a tooth!
As you can see, I love peaches... even though it may not look like it, some of them do get in my mouth!!
I also move around so much while in my bouncy chair that I regularly scoot myself down to the bottom so my feet hang off the edge.
I have also just learned that if I bang some of my toys against the tray on my high chair it makes a really loud noise. What fun!!

And I still love my Gymboree class. Here is a picture of me today... we get to lay on the parachute while the teacher blows pretty bubbles above us... I always try to reach out and grab them.

Thanks for reading... we'll see what the next month brings!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I Have a Tooth!

So... Mom and Dad have been suspicious, as I put everything in my mouth, and I have shown other signs of teething, but so far, no teeth.

As of this morning, however, they noticed my first tooth. It's just barely peeking through, but it's there!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Now that I have mastered solid foods (I've tried squash since I last updated you), Mom and Dad wanted to see if I could sit up in my high chair. Lo and behold... I CAN!!

It's pretty cool... I really like it. Many thanks to my great-grandpa Pappy for the chair... I think I'll have many meals in it in the years to come.

(To those of you wondering what's on my outfit... that is the leftover applesauce that I managed to get underneath my bib. I took a bath right after this picture...)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I can't believe it's already November! People here call it "Novembah", but I think that's the same thing.

October sure was pretty, and the leaves are still beautiful here. Today, I got dressed up for church. Here's me modeling my outfit, complete with white tights and rosy cheeks. I always fall asleep during the sermon, but no one seems to mind!

Anyway, have a great November, I hope to see you all in person soon!!!