Tuesday, March 2, 2010

An Old Video (and a Tribute to an Old Car)

Mommy and Daddy assure me that this is a momentous video. I think it is kinda dull. What about the ones where I am dancing or jumping or laughing or playing?

Anyway, they say it is important because it is:
- my first time leaving the hospital
- my first time to see the sun
- my first time to ride in a car
- a reminder of mommy's old car

I guess that car is gone now to someone else, who might drive their baby home in it someday. So long, Honda!

PS. I like the new car a lot better, but don't tell mommy!


Papi and Didi said...

Abby, you are so adorable.

meg said...

I've never seen this before! I loved it! What a sweet little girl. I have lots of fond memories of that week we all had together in June 08 in RI.