Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside!!

Brrr!! It's cold here in New England... certainly the coldest temps I've felt so far in my 5+ months! Here is a picture of me in my car seat, all bundled up to do errands with Mommy.

For some reason, Mommy keeps making a big deal out of my outfit today. I guess I'll show you what I looked like when we went out... I am wearing my new flannel lined khaki pants (so warm!), my Robeez from my friends "across the pond" (I feel so cool to be wearing what British kids wear...!!), and the sweater I am wearing used to belong to my mom. My grammie found it in some of Mommy's old things-- it was made for her by a dear family friend! Don't I look happy??

1 comment:

meg said...

Dear Abby Claire,
I'm not sure that you could be any cuter. I love you.

Love, Your Untie.